The Best Reason Why Every Bird Lover Needs To Pick The Right Bird House Plans

Posted by naharazizi on Friday, October 28, 2011

Once you've created a birdhouse is very rewarding to learn that wild making the decision to the home of the thing built. Birds usually have a stressful time looking for a permanent residence. Most birds, like humans, are very particular when it comes to the possibilities of their home. You will not only help to save the flying creatures, but installed the wildlife in your yard or garden will make your stay more relaxing.

is the first step and most important step in building a bird house is through starting with the right bird house plans. Not just any plan will get the job done, it takes a thoroughly researched birdhouse plan that breaks the build in stages. Bird habitat plans can vary from very simple to very elaborate and it is determined largely your personal preferences. If this is your first birdhouse, start simplest bird house plans and work out a way to get a plan that provides more comprehensive features.

Once you determine your skill level, the next step is to choose which birds you intend to draw in. This step is easy. The birds are very particular when it comes to the specifications of their habitat. They never worry about design, color, style or any other aesthetic detalje.2 things he cares about most is the internal dimension (lounge), and the input size. You need to build a birdhouse that matches the type found in your region or locality, and species that you love. You will be surprised how many species actually live in your region or locality.

with all the birdhouses routine održavanje.Birdhouse plans selected will be highly affected by the ease of maintenance and cleaning for your feathered friends' home. Ensure that the bird house plan you choose will address the maintenance issues of this kind. Your bird house plans must have comprehensive information about bird species, in order to bring them in and where to put a habitat for birds.

Once you've created a habitat for birds which attracts birds other types of families will be flying in the yard or garden look for accommodation. Whenever I build a bird house can be more rewarding than you can imagine, but the experience will be greatly enhanced if you choose the correct plan bird house.

Dog Training - 6 Dog Tricks To Impress Friends

Posted by naharazizi

With all the commands your dog has now mastered, you May want to teach him a few who will be his party in the neighborhood. It will be much easier to train for this command now that has mastered so many tricks.

1 Ples. This trick can actually be helpful when your dog has a hard time with "Off" command when it is jumping on people. Sometimes dogs respond well to replacement behavior, and teaches him how to dance is a great way to get all that energy to work.

Every time your pet gets excited and jumping around, the command "Dance", while you have it and keep his front legs, forcing him to stand on his hind legs. Sway him from right to left a little. Praise him, give him a treat, and gently put it back on the floor.

2 Pray. goal is to have your dog put his head down between his paws on command, "Pray," or "Say your prayers," and all your friends and family say, "Awwww, how cute !"

Begin by sitting on a chair with your dog to "Sit / Stay" position in front of you. Put a treat on a chair between his legs. Command your dog to "Pray", and then encourage him or place, and his feet on a chair, while he remains in the "Sit" position.

Use the "Leave it" or "Do not touch" command, so he does not eat to heal, and then his "Pray" command. Your dog needs to keep his nose down to treat between his paws. Issue the command, "Amen," and then give your dog treat praise him. For smaller dogs, or if your dog is bigger would not chair the way, you May want to use a low table. You can stand behind him keep his feet on the table

3 Sneeze. You can train your dog to sneeze on command. You'll do it with a hand signal, which is cupping your hands around your nose and mouth, and the captain, "sneezing !"

Sit in a chair and put your dog to "Sit / Stay" position. Cup your hands around his muzzle, say sneeze and blow gently into his nostrils. Having a smoke while he sniffles or sneezes, and then give him praise and treat. Some dogs quickly this trick, while others May take some time.

4 Turn on the light. surprise your family and friends with energy-conscious dog! To prepare for the trick, be sure that your dog can reach the light switch on the back legs. If not, you can train your dog to jump on the table under the light switch to perform this feat.

Hold treat at light switch, the command "turn out the light!" When your dog jumps up to get a treat, make sure your feet touch the top of the switch so that when it comes down to turn off the light. Reward with a treat and verbal praise.

When it comes down to stand away from the light switch and issue the command. Throwing treated near where the jumps and paws at the switch. Be sure to give him lots of verbal praise. At the end you will not have to give him a treat to perform the trick.

5 Bow. This is a good trick to teach your dog when you are working on the "Down" command. Put the dog in "Stay" position, and put a treat in your hand. Kneeling in front of your dog, move both hands to his front paws while giving "Bow" command. Your dog will extend his head down to get the treat put it in a "butterfly" position. Working on his bow as you can command the onions from across the room.

6 Counting: of your dog, with time and patience to learn to count. Since this is a complicated maneuver, there is a requirement - your dog needs to know "speak" trick and be ordered to stop issuing the words, "OK". All you need to do at this point is to join the command of "What is six, Laska?" When your dog has up to six, you command him to stop with the "OK ."

There is a catch, however - the time is included. If you do not combine, "What is the" command with a subtle signal, your dog will start barking before you say no. When you start training, make a noticeable signal, such as the deep head of the head, when the "Speak" command. Nod your head deep when you give the "OK", the release command, too.

You'll need to practice the trick for some time until your dog is trained to respond to the nominations themselves. After being down, slowly make your nodding subtly. When your dog performs a trick with only the subtlest of the nomination, you're ready for Broadway.

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Kitten Food - What To Feed Your New Cat

Posted by naharazizi

Providing your new kitten with proper cat food is crucial to raise your new pet. To a child the kitten healthy and happy, it is essential that all their nutritional needs will be met. This is not the only thing falling some cat food in your pet's bowl, and then leaving to go on with the day. There are over feeding your cat then this.

Early nutritional needs

kitten will receive all their nutritional needs from the mother for the first few weeks of life. As the kitten access to four to six weeks of age, breeder will probably start supplementing the mother cat's milk with hard kitten chow, which is moistened with water or canned food mačića.Mačić will be rejected by the mother's milk for eight weeks old and will be eaten first kitten food diet. It is important to make sure that your breeder provides you with some of the kitten food that your new kitten to eat, or at least get the name of the kitten Chow.

If you are thinking about changing the brand Kitten Chow to your kitten started with, you still need to buy a small bag of their current brand and mix it with the new brand. This will help your new kitten's digestive system and allow them to gradually adapt to new foods to be eaten.

How to eat

Young kittens grow up in an incredibly fast rate at the age of eight weeks to about six months. They will require a large amount of food to begin with, which means you will need to eat several times throughout the day. Kittens who are under six months of age do not have a large stomach, but require a lot of fuel. Therefore, it is best to feed them four small meals a day, and provide them with an unlimited supply of water throughout the day.

The rate of growth of your kitten will begin to dramatically slow down to about six months old. At this point, you May find your kitten becomes a little less active. The amount of servings needed can be reduced by about two to three meals a day. At this stage of their growth is also important not to change from kitten food to adult Chow cat food. Your cat is still in a growth phase.

Your cat will be able to eat adult cat food when they reach one year old. Feed adult cats is a little easier then feeding the kittens. You can easily fill your dish with dry cat food. Adult cats usually eat when they are hungry. At this stage it is important to ensure that the cat does not overeat. If your cat becomes overweight then you will want to feed them about twice a day. Adult cats can be fed canned food, but you also want to provide them with dry food as well. Canned food should be left for your cat to eat all day.

cat food shopping

This is very important to choose food that is both nutritional and well balanced. When looking at food labels, be sure to select only the ingredients listed protein within the first few items. You must also be aware of your cat's health. If you suffer from any serious health issues, such as urinary tract infection or hairballs, then be sure to choose foods that will help you manage these medical problems.

You should also feed your cat, dry and soft food. Although your pet will prefer soft foods, it is best to supply them with dry ones as well. This will help in maintaining your health zuba.Stomatolog to perform annual inspections on your pet, in order to remove any tartar build-up on their teeth.

Backyard Wild Bird Feeders: Keep Them Full to Feed Birds During Spring Migration Too

Posted by naharazizi on Monday, October 24, 2011

Keep your backyard wild bird feeders full during spring migration. It helps birds find food, and you'll be able to see birds that you will not see at other times of the year.

Help the birds in their nutritional needs during the spring migration
In spring the birds travel long distances to their breeding grounds. They need to keep your energy levels, but at the very beginning of the season might not be enough natural food sources for them. Many people are aware of the need for feeding birds in winter, but I can understand that there is a need for food in the spring. Some people worry that birds may be dependent on backyard feeders, instead of searching for food themselves. This misconception has been proven, so you can feel free to feed the birds in the spring - summer, and even -. Supplement their nutritional needs

Fat is a source of energy
Fat is a great source of energy for birds, woodpeckers, and enjoy the many small birds. In fact, if you have woodpeckers nesting in your area may be lucky enough to watch baby birds learning to eat fat. Their antics are smiješan.Bebe - which are large and their Momma - learn to fly and land on the feeder, which takes several attempts. They then sit next to mom, and she pecks and feed them fat - the fat pecking for themselves between bites of her

songbirds Need seed
Pipes feed with seeds for birds should be located away from large wild bird feeders and feeders fat because of the small birds tend to be nervous and larger birds like to eat as a group. To see a flock of finches in olive, yellow, red or even purplish blue to eat at backyard feeder is a sight to behold. They are absolutely beautiful and sound so beautiful. It makes waking up in the early hours of a memorable event.

Ground Feeders Feed Too
Do not forget ground feeders. Juncos and sparrows clean up space on bird feeders, if encouraged to eat there with a few seeds thrown there for them. Chipmunks and squirrels eat sunflower seeds on the ground too, and will leave your feeder alone. Even if you use a squirrel guard, so that they can not reach your feeder, their vain attempts to scare the birds away.

morning bird songs and colorful birds in the wild bird feeder will be glad you invested in feeding birds throughout the year -. Or at least a little longer in the spring

Help - My Cat Keeps Throwing Up

Posted by naharazizi

Most of the cats, even healthy ones, vomit from time to time. Although it can be very distressing if your cat keeps throwing up, it is quite normal and does not mean that something is seriously wrong with your cat. There are several factors that are not serious can cause your cat to throw up.

May you notice your cat back immediately after a meal to eat, in fact, will often appear completely digested. Cats will often bolt food, or eat more than their stomachs can handle at the same time, so the stomach will reject it. It may be more common in multi-cat households where cats are feeling the competition for their food. Cats' digestive systems are very sensitive, a sudden change in your cat food can also cause vomiting tricky.

hairballs are one of the most common causes of feline vomiting. They are caused when your cat's fur swallowed while grooming. Longhaired cats are more likely to suffer from hairballs, although all cats can suffer from time to time. You should be able to spot clumps of hair in the vomit. Hairballs can be reduced by regular grooming or adding omega-3 fatty acids or fish oils on your cat food to allow a cat hair cat to pass through the digestive tract.

Sometimes your cat May throw if it eats something inappropriate, such as garbage or a poisonous plant. If you suspect he ate something that can be toxic, such as slug pellets, cleaning fluids, plants, etc. take it to the vet immediately. Foxy vomiting also may mean that your cat has ingested something that may cause obstruction, such as bones and a piece of string. In this case, vomiting may be accompanied by a foam or foam around the mouth. Again, to take the vet if you suspect it.

cats will often eat grass and other plants, it is thought that it gives them roughage in their diet. However, it can also cause them to vomit. In the case of vomiting would be superficial in appearance, with vegetable matter clearly present.

remained without serious cause of feline vomiting, stress and nervousness. Older cats can shed more frequently as their bodies begin to wear down their immune system decreases.

feline vomiting also may indicate a serious problem. This may mean parasites such as worms, you May be able to view this, like grains of rice or even, in the vomit or feces. If you think that your cat has parasites, consult your veterinarian. Regular deworming can help to prevent it.

It can also indicate infection such as salmonella, feline leukemia, or bacterial or viral infection. In such cases, vomiting may be accompanied by diarrhea. Your vet should be able to give advice about treatment.

Some diseases can also cause vomiting tricky, such as liver disease, kidney disease, feline panleukopenia, diabetes and bowel disease.

If you notice symptoms such as blood in your cat is vomiting or other symptoms such as diarrhea, weakness, obvious pain or difficulty breathing, or your cat keeps throwing for more than a few days, consult your veterinarian as soon as much as possible.

Dog Training Tips For Hard-To-Train Dogs

Posted by naharazizi

Not all dogs are created equal - some are born to lead, and some like to follow the commands of the pack leaders. Therefore, not all dogs respond to training in the same way -. Some like to do their homework and exercises without giving the owner, a difficult time, while others will test your temper its borders

hard-to-train dogs means less being compared to their more subservient counterparts. On the contrary, these dogs often have several positive characteristics that interfere with your dog training sessions. Two traits that get in the way of dog training most of the animals independence and domination. Let's see how this quality can affect your dog training efforts.


Independence is by far the most commonly show characteristics that are hard to train a dog pse.Neovisna can be viewed as an apostate who should never please anyone. Although independent dogs unquestionably love their owners, their drive to please them is not as strong as the other ones more consistent dogs. This move is often given to the owner or trainer harder during dog training sessions.

How could you say that your dog is independent? Here are some characters. Independent dogs may show marked indifference to other people or animals. . May they not like to be petted and disdainfully complain about grooming. . May they prefer to be alone. . They turn away when reprimanded.

However, independent dogs are not impossible to train. You just need to know what works with them, and what not, so you can get the best out of your dog training efforts. A word of caution - this is a mistake to apply force to correct habits of hard-to-train dog. Physical correction, such as kicking and yanking it will only lead to passive resistance on the part of your dog and make your dog training sessions near impossible. When the dog takes this attitude, it will be very difficult to listen to his or her command.

So, what is the best thing to do in training your dog is independent? Use a "cookie power"! In other words, find out what awards draw a positive response and make the most of it. With an adequate reward, your dog will surely put it!


of the dominant dog is one that explicitly shows how he or she can not be bossed around. Although an independent dog will simply ignore your commands, dominant dog will show his displeasure in the fact that it is ordered around.

Dominant dogs are natural leaders. With these dogs, you have to prove before he or she recognizes your body or else their role would go on to the package hierarchy. Some signs of dominance may include the following:. Shows defensive behavior when guarding the territory, food or toy shows readiness to launch into battle growl or snaps when you can not do what they want to


Dominant dogs are trainable. Despite the horrific nature and irritable, you can listen to your commands during the session of dog training and beyond. All you need to do is to establish its role as one who holds the alpha position. You have to establish its authority over the reasonable and you will see that everything else will follow. Once the leadership issue was clearly established, your dog training will go on smoothly without any problems!

Habits of the Cuckoo Bird

Posted by naharazizi

Worldwide, more than a hundred species of birds there are a coward. Some experts estimate the number at more than 125

Cuckoo birds love the tropics, but they can grow in temperate zones, as well. In the U.S., and birds can be found mostly in southern states such as Florida.

We are generally familiar with this bird because of the many clocks created by trying to imitate his sound. If you are wondering if the cuckoo sounds you hear the cuckoo clocks are real, they correspond very closely to the sounds made ​​by the European cuckoo -. Also known as Cuculus canorus

camp near the nest few cuckoo bird can lead to sleepless nights because they tend to sing at night and during the day. The natives who live among cowards for a long time, sometimes called the rain crow. Because they have the uncanny habit more and more vocal than usual just before the downpour.

within their area of ​​comfort, cuckoo birds are mostly nomadic. They base their mating structures in which their food happens to be. In other words, they have no particular loyalty to a particular area as well as some birds do. They migrate with their food sources. As their source of food in one area disappears, they leave that place and go in search of greener pastures. Regarding the mating habits, cuckoo birds are largely monogamous. During the courtship phase they prefer to feed on each other. This helps the bonding process.

Cuckoo bird also has the will to deposit one or more eggs in the nests of other birds, leaving the other birds to raise their young. This behavior is known as a brood parasitism in which they allow their litters, and offspring, it is essential that the parasites and live off someone else obitelji.Drugih bird species do not necessarily belong to the cuckoo species. Cuckoo has been known to lay their eggs in the nests of Robins, cardinals, sparrows, and others as well.

cowards tend to build their nests closer to earth than many other species. Their perfect height Cuckoo's Nest is somewhere between the two feet to eight feet above the ground. Their diet is mostly insects, but they especially like to dine on caterpillars. some kind of a coward especially love spiny species, while other types do not like at all. But all kinds of love grasshoppers and crickets, as well. If insects are not around will gravitate to fruits like grapes and berries.

Daniel Stevens - Author of Secrets to Dog Training - Review

Posted by naharazizi

Daniel Stevens, who is he?

For those who were not aware of it, Daniel Stevens is a highly regarded author who has developed tremendously successful series of dog training called "Dog Training Secrets" (formerly Sit, Stay, Fetch) Daniel Stevens works as a professional dog trainer who has extensive knowledge of working with all kinds of different dogs in different situations.

Daniel's information has become very popular among dog owners because it very carefully and completely takes you all the way through every dilemma you can experience with your dog, and describes how to have an understanding of your dog.

Daniel Stevens book does not just teach you how to train a dog, in addition, addresses many other areas, such as dog care, dog ownership, dog health problems, and innovative command and trikove.Najčešći the most annoying dog problem particularly sharp , barking, jumping up, digging, aggression, anxiety, as well as basic disobedience are all covered in depth.

This unique manual is actually much more than just teach you how to train your dog - what is more, it will inform you about what should be the achievement of the owner of the dog


"Secrets to Dog Training" is divided into 9 chapters. At the first joint aspects of dog training and a few tips to fully understand the dogs worked. How's the book turns a bit more involved dealing with dog commands, dog whisper, dog diseases, and it eventually ends with segment focused on improved teaching your dog commands and tricks.

One of the things I really like the most about "StDT" is that the book is very well organized. It is very easy to apply and covers the biggest concerns in great depth.

section focused on the handling of behavior problems is a good deal more in depth and focused than I've noticed in many other books training. Case studies have also documented for all 15 of the most popular dog complaints.

"StDT" is not just a book. Daniel Stevens carries a crew of skilled support team are great with any ongoing challenges and fears you might have. I can not bring to mind another system of animal training that provides such in depth and goes to help support.

"StDT" is constantly evolving as a program as soon as fresh advice and guidance programs are added you are informed and kept updated with all the latest training tactics.

Daniel has established an exceptional course in the book. As if that was not enough, when you buy program gives you a free copy of the following books:

* 180 Gourmet Dog Food Recipes - Easy, quick, inexpensive and nutritious recipes your dog will love * Top 20 Consulting - Direct access to 20 frequently asked questions about training your dog to become a Secret * Alpha Dog - Learn why you need to be the leader of the pack ... does not your dog * Dog Grooming Made Easy - Learn how to groom dogs professionals * All methods for house training and Tricks - How to quickly and easily house train your dog * Quick Guide to Dog Aggression - be able to fix your dog aggression issues

These bonuses are seriously top off what they have to say is the best quality, most comprehensive dog training guide available. Daniel Stevens leaves no stone unturned in and offers exceptionally high quality content presented in an easily understandable and effective manner.

Buy Royal Canin, Royal Canin Food is nutritionally tailored to suit your dog or cat's needs

Posted by naharazizi

Royal Canin - Royal Canin diets provide precise nutritional solutions to your pet's needs. Each of Royal Canin dog food and Royal Canin Cat Food products are based on his extensive knowledge of cats and dogs, gained through years of study at their own center, partnerships with leading veterinary schools and colleges, and continued input from veterinarians and breeders worldwide. Royal Canin UK All our food is made according to the strictest quality requirements to ensure absolute security. One food does not fit all. Royal Canin take into account age, activity, breed, size and lifestyle when creating our diets. Since cats and dogs deserve the best nutrition to stay in the best health of Royal Canin supports the selection of suppliers of raw materials in accordance with very strict specifications and quality testing of components before they are accepted for use in Royal Canin foods. Royal Canin only use meat from animals that have been published fit and healthy for human consumption, and that quality is controlled from the moment raw materials enter the factory to the packing stage, due to systematic measures and analysis of all key stages.

Royal Canin Veterinary Dog Food is divided into three main categories of Royal Canin Veterinary Diet:. Royal Canin clinical diets have been formulated to provide nutritional support for dogs and cats with specific clinical conditions and are designed to be used under the advice of your veterinarian. One of the most popular foods in the clinical range of food is Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Canine Sensitivity Control, it is available online at or just click on this link to be recommended by your veterinarian Canine Vet Care Nutrition:. Veterinary exclusive life stage diet tailored to your dog, regardless of size or stage in life Feline Vet Care Nutrition:. Veterinary exclusive life stage diets designed to meet the specific needs of your cat breed Canine Nutrition: .. Breed specific foods developed to meet the needs and particularities of different breeds of dog breeds feline diet: a response to the unique characteristics of Persian, Maine Coon and Siamese cats.

Indoor cats are sedentary, spending more time eating and sleeping than taking exercise. As a result of indoor cats used to be very low in calories because they do not need to maintain their body temperature. Excess weight can lead to mobility problems, diabetes and heart disease. Our indoor diets are moderate intake of calories to maintain your ideal weight. Lack of exercise can also lead to slower digestive transit, which can lead to intestinal disorders and soft and smelly faeces in cat litter tray. How to help combat this, we use only highly digestible LIP proteins in formulations -. Working to reduce fermentation in the gut and reduce the odor of hydrogen sulfide emitted Indoor cats spend up to four hours a day grooming, which combined with the constant shedding of hair as a result of living in an artificial light throughout the year, means the likelihood of hairballs is significantly increased. Royal Canin Indoor diet to help eliminate hairballs naturally with a combination of soluble and insoluble fibers that help stimulate intestinal transit.

All Royal Canin Dog Food and Cat Food is available for purchase online at at very competitive prices. Vetpharmacy offer an excellent service delivery and all orders are sent within 2 working days via courier or Royal Mail 1st Recorded class. Vetpharmacy pride ourselves in our excellent customer service in all areas, provided that a team of dedicated and experienced staff.

Healthy Food Recipes for the Healthy Pets

Posted by naharazizi

Caring for pets to dogs, cats, birds and fish are becoming more popular today especially seeing Hollywood celebrities and different personalities walking around with their pets. However, more than the so-called glamor and elegance to a very nice and sweet looks pets bring to us we will be concerned about the health and welfare of pet dogs and mačke.Glavna concern will always be food to eat. How to make pets healthy and strong, and we'll give them a balanced and nutritious pet food recipes are as following:

1 Original Ultra Premium Dry Cat Food - this is something that is put together with regard to all the scientific tests and a formula to your pet cat healthy and strong. It has nothing to do with marketing campaigns and tactics of this is pure concern for the health and welfare of cats. Original Ultra Premium Dry Dog Food is suitable for all breeds and all conditions of the pregnant cats, kittens, male or female cats, and even adult cats can all enjoy this tasty and healthy food especially made based on their needs. It's fresh ingredients like chicken, carrots, sweet potatoes, skin and coat of essential fatty acids, and best of all, no artificial preservatives added. It is also highly digestible your pets, so this is your cat giving you guarantee that your pet has a high quality it really deserves.

2 Limited ingredient diets sweet potatoes and chicken Dry Dog Food - It is a grain-free formula for dogs with allergies based on a single protein and carbohydrate blend. What many people seem not to notice that even dogs and other animals for that matter can also be prone to some allergies, so we will be careful in giving pets foods that can cause allergies. This product dog food is made from a combination of sweet potatoes, chicken, and natural ingredients that are effective for improving the immune system of dogs. If you notice that your dog is allergic to the proteins and carbohydrates in the diet looking at symptoms such as chairs and problems with skin, wash immediately switch to sweet potatoes and fresh chicken formula for your dog's diet.

3 Grain Free Duck and Potato Formula Dry Dog Food - another type of dog food for dogs who have allergies to the protein content of their food. Since this recipe uses a combination of fresh potatoes and meat, ducks, dogs can still get protein nutrients they need in their body. Since the dogs were not exposed duck meat, this formula is suitable for food and allergy.

with all the information you just read, it would be great if they start giving your pets with these types of pet food. Natural Balance cat food or dog food can be the key to longer life of their beloved pets, so try and order now. If you take the kind of person who does not have much time to go on the market and go through a long line is easier and the best option for you and that is by ordering online, you can check out various web sites for more information.

Unpredictable Aggression In Dogs - Rage Syndrome - A Neurological Disorder

Posted by naharazizi

Without a doubt the most dangerous professional dog trainer can meet the dog to "Rage Syndrome". Let me first warn the reader not to jump to the conclusion that your dog has a "Rage Syndrome", if he shows a simple and predictable domination or pain related to aggression. This in no way means that the dog has "Rage Syndrome". This condition is in fact very rare and seldom seen. In 28 years of training approximately 700-1000 dogs per year I have just witnessed a true "Rage Syndrome" about a dozen times. Using these kinds of numbers you can see how truly rare this disorder is. Having stated this fact, this disorder in its "nature, the most dangerous
all matters relating to coaches or owners may face the dog.

One case in point is 200 pounds of Newfoundland, which was brought to us for training ten years ago.

"Samson" was purchased as a cute and cuddly puppy by a member of the crew that specializes in taking from church groups and college kids for a weekend cruise to the local luci.Pasmine were chosen for their reputation as an excellent water rescue dogs. Everything was going along as planned for the weekend trips to Samson turned to one year. The owner noticed that on a weekend trip cheerleaders start cheering began a trip to the dog suddenly became very aggressive towards her. Fortunately the dog is muzzled and restrained.

owner wrote the incident off as a misunderstanding on the part of the dog girls
body language and loud voice. He brought the dog to us after this incident, in which the dog
after a similar journey, they had walked down the gang plank with two girls who were petting him and showing him love. He explained that the girls showed the boys when the girls went to leave the dog lunged toward one of the girls' feet with her mouth open and growling. One of the guys see this hit the dog in glavu.Pas then turned around and grabbed the boy by his feet dragging on the ground. The owner explained this away by saying: "If I was a kick in the head it would bite too ."

Samson presented at a consultation with a wagging tail and slobbery kiss for everyone.
He was easygoing and correction of command and sought praise and attention. He was very comfortable in his skin, and showed no signs of shyness or aggression. He was checked in
training and his first ten days went smoothly. Samson willingly learned all his commandments, including down naredbe.Dolje command is usually the one that will be difficult if the dominant factor as the dogs will see this is a challenge and a disadvantage. Samson was more than willing to undergo training, and he enjoyed the praise that came with a job well done.

On the tenth day of Kennel Techs are cleaning kennels and dog move if necessary disinfected. When the Samson's kennel one of the girls entered his kennel with a hasty leash
and looped it to move it to another kennel. He went along happily wagging tail. when the
got a clean start, where he was going to him to flinch. She entered the kennel and turned to him saying: "Come on boys. Lets go" in a tone of high praise. The next thing he knew was on it. He knocked her to the ground and grabbed her legs pulling her back to driving while her potres.Drugi Kennel Tech reported that looked like a grizzly bear attack.

She screamed, as he was shaking. The other girl's presence of mind and courage to enter the kennel and keep the tube was cleaning up the dogs nose to his release.

He was so fixated on their victims when she was released, and ran for the door to escape, he ran right past the girl with a hose and caught her at the door. He grabbed her other leg and pulled because it was held at the door. She was raised in the air tended. Another girl then pushed the hose up your nose again, which gave them the precious seconds to escape.

Kennel Tech was taken to the emergency room where a doctor reported that injuries to the legs, although difficult amazing they were at a point where there would be no permanent damage. This is the worst scenario coach can face. You can usually judge the dog's behavior is in agreement, as well as information supplied by the client. In this case, the client is explained further aggression and the rear sight is likely withheld other information.

Unfortunately, withholding information to all common when the client consults with the coach. The usual excuse for this is that they do not want to prejudice against coaches psa.Nesretna result can be put staff at risk.

In another case, we have witnessed a woman eleven months old Doberman attack it in front of our eyes. He knocked her to the ground and began to bite down her chest area. When we came
Her rescue, we were repeatedly bitten in the process of saving her. Unfortunately, after the dog is securely placed in the chest (after three of us had been bitten nine times) left saying that her husband should make a final decision on what happened to the dog. Instead of the dog to a neurologist, as we have suggested, it has left him with a group of Doberman Rescue. In this case, easing their conscious by not putting the dog down, Put another unsuspecting people in danger.

This is an example of what not to do.

"Rage Syndrome" is actually an epileptic seizure in the emotional cortex of dogs. Like other forms of epilepsy (motor or behavioral) the dog behaves normally 98% of the time. This is 2%
This is a problem. This can happen in any breed dog. I saw him before in the Labrador Retriever Retriever.Golden, German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois, Siamese, these Doberman and Newfoundland, and about half a dozen Springer Spaniels. Yes, I said Springer Spaniels. This condition is common enough that the breed is commonly called "Springer Rage". Springers have more than a genetic predisposition to this condition for some reason than other breeds. Again, I stress that this is extremely rare and therefore just because you have a Springer Spaniel must never assume that this condition will automatically be a problem.

Like other forms of epilepsy this condition can be treated with Phenobarbital which has the effect of reducing seizures in mozgu.Očito problem in the case of "Rage Syndrome" is that even one occurrence is one too many, and therefore the dogs diagnosed with this condition are usually lower. Because the stakes are so high it is recommended that at least two opinions sought before diagnosis is napravio.Najbolji expert opinion you can get a neurologist. Your veterinarian can give you their opinions, and referral. In the case of one client with a Springer Spaniel, the owner was honest with us and explained that her veterinarian suggested that the dog is put down. She said that she would be more comfortable if you would be willing to evaluate the dog and give her a second opinion. In this case we took the dog in the reference. It took about a week to see the normally sweet dog fly into a murderous rage without razloga.Pas then get back to normal, with no clear memory of his actions. Unfortunately, we had in line with Veterinary owners that the dog should be euthanized.

This condition is also being studied in humans. Almost every condition that can be found in the brain of a dog can be found in the human being. These tests may one day explain some criminal behavior in humans. Symptoms of this condition are:

* unexplained aggression that comes out of nowhere.

* Aggression that seems unrelated to dominance.

* marked changes in the dogs eyes, snarling and growling, lunging.

* dog seems to leave the behavior as suddenly as it came on.

* dog does not seem to recall the previous aggressive behavior.

* unpredictable during the aggression.

What do you do if you think your dog has "Rage Syndrome"

* Do not try to diagnose yourself. Owners many times wrong about the causes of aggression.

* Do you seek at least two expert opinions (Veterinarians and trainers) At least one veterinarian.

* I give my professional advisors, all the facts you can think of. Do not withhold information!

* Do not put others in danger. If you think your dog has "Rage Syndrome" does not leave it with

children. Remove it from all the situations where he can harm anyone.

* Do not make excuses for behavior that frightens you or others. Being afraid of your dog should be

is the first indication that professional help should be sought for diagnosis and / or treatment.

For more information on "Rage Syndrome", as well as other causes of aggression, I would suggest that you read Dog Training 101-a book that puts you in control. You can find these books on my website at:

Bird Feeding: Attracting Woodpeckers To Your Bird Feeders

Posted by naharazizi on Sunday, October 23, 2011

in September, flying by, summer is the natural abundance will fall for all of our favorite birds, and we are preparing for fall feeding. With her flash of red, yellow and white woodpeckers always make a great impression of hanging on to all corners of the feeders.

woodpecker wide range of groups which can be found just about all over the world (sorry Australia and Hawaii). Here in North America can be found in forests, swamps, deserts, and best of all, in your backyard.

you can attract these guys are using seed feeders already have. Woodpecker clinging birds and really wanted to fall on the side of the net and wooden feeders, but they will also be hung on a pole if you regularly see something that looks good. They like black oil, shelled sunflower seeds, all nuts, even Unshelled peanuts. Try putting out the pumpkin seeds as well. Your woodpeckers will love it!

If there's one thing you guys love, it's fat! You can feed a variety of fat in the pre-made blocks or mixing it yourself and use the hollow feed or spread on the trees. If you are afraid of squirrels getting into it you can buy special fat with red peppers in it. Personally, I had very few customers tell me that squirrels will stay away from pure fat because there is a tasty nuts or fruit in njemu.Djetlići would still like to eat it and it is a great source of energy during the colder winter months. If you are feeding these guys in warmer countries, make sure you get the "no-melt" the fat that remains solid at temperatures above 75 degrees Fahrenheit. C & S products, the fat, nearly all "non-melt ".

suggest the fat in many of our customers right now, because of the high cost of seed. It is relatively inexpensive and feeds the birds for quite some time. As an example, I eat my usual 5 woodpeckers plus Chickadees, nuthatches, and any other guests from 2 fat ball feeders. I can fill one for $ 6.50 each, and they easily last 4-6 weeks. It is quite economical considering that I have a bird or two on it all day every day!

After a lot of mature trees in the neighborhood is a big plus for getting these guys on the feeders. Woodpeckers will use trees and drill holes for nesting, as well as searching for insect grub during the spring and summer. You can get a nesting box specially designed for woodpeckers as well, but May they also appeal to other types of birds such as screech owls. You may need to keep watch for unwanted residents.

If you lack a little animated flyers in your yard, or simply want to increase the frequency of their visits, then the above advice, and some quality bird supplies should get results within a short time.

A Cool Cat Book - Book Review on the Beauty of Cats

Posted by naharazizi

Ever wonder what cats are thinking, why do they keep the schedule or sleep all day? Yes, indeed, no one can deny that sleep is a wonderful thing, who could deny it. Indeed, in my next life I come back like a cat in the house very nice family. I'll expect gourmet food and a comfortable couch to nap on and play some cool toys! Most cats seem to get these things for granted, but really are lucky to have a happy home, that's why they are so prestigious. Want to know more about cats? Well, let me recommend a very good book, then,

"Beauty of Cats" Howard Loxton -. 1972

The book begins with several pages of big cat poetry, and then gets into things in the first chapter discusses the issues with the big cats such as lions, tigers, cheetahs and other wild cats wild, such as Mountain Lions, Bob Mack and such. Much different from the house cat species as the author shows through pictorials and an explanation of some of the most popular cats that people own house as a cat or a show cat.

Learn about the history of the sacred cat, cat art and mystery mačaka.Knjiga also gets into the types of food in the wild, cats eat cat food and the kind of love and miserable parasites and diseases that they attract and how and when it's time to see the vet . This is a beautiful coffee table book about cats that is great for young or old, cat lovers and cat owners. I highly recommend this book if you love cats.

What's Holding Me Back?

Posted by naharazizi

Lord, you gave me all
Beautiful family to enjoy
Big city like Los Angeles to live
Beautiful church to give praise to you with a mission to make Los Angeles the largest city in BC

of the Lord, you gave me all
voice to sing for you
Language for writing psalms in his Honor
Life to live for you
However, I feel that I gave all I have

Lord, something hinders me to give you my all
It would be like if I use my voice to the glorious Psalms to Jesus?
What would it be like if I use my gift of writing to compose love songs for the Lord?
What would it be like if I use my heart to be madly in love with God, just as King David?

Children's Choir

Nothing held back to serve the Lord,
Whether as a player to be the best NBA basketball player for the Lord
or R & B singer, praising God with their pop songs
Whether as a gardener sowing good seed in the eternal kingdom of God
Whether as an actor to the Lord the most popular king of all time in Hollywood
Whether as a football player scored the goals in the name of God's team
It was as a carpenter to make a big furniture, as Jesus did in Nazareth, to meet families in their homes in LA because of God's creation Greatest
Whether as a food server to show the love of my client in a restaurant
It's like the preacher that we grow the Church in the name of the Lord,
It was as a scientist to find a cure for cancer cure my grandmother, in the name of Christ
I am free to give himself to Christ
I can do all things through him who gives strength

(children's chorus 2 times)

Lord, you gave me everything I
My voice to call on you
My heart to love unconditionally
My passion to build your own God's eternal kingdom
My beautiful smile to show your love an inexhaustible
My mind to create romantic memories of being with you in my prayers
My hand writing Psalms you every morning and night
I finally realized that there is nothing real holding me back

Sir, I want to ask me feel free
Give me freedom to love you 24 / 7
Make a shout to the LORD in the center of the football stadium when I score a goal
Create my perfect ways to make exercise a muscular body as a temple
When I walk, I want you in my thoughts
When I sleep I want you in my dreams
In fact, there is no excuse to have a distant love, because you are always with me
Am I in church or at work
Well let me give you praise all the time any time anyway
Because you told me that if there is a will, there's no way

(children's chorus 2 times)

(the rapper's rhymes)

Do not worry about anything
Always rejoice in the LORD
wherever you are
always remember
Whether you are in church or at work
God is omnipresent
He knows your heart
As your thoughts
As long as you him number one
He will surely give you the desires of your heart
Please do not let anything hold you back
God was the one who gave everything, including your precious life

Lord, you gave me all
Beautiful family to enjoy
Big city like Los Angeles to live
Beautiful church to give praise to you with a mission to make Los Angeles the largest city in BC

(children's chorus 2 times)

Enhance Your Backyard Bird Watching

Posted by naharazizi on Friday, October 21, 2011

Backyard Bird is one of the most relaxing and inexpensive hobby can see with his family and friends. It is fun and educating at the same time as you can learn a lot about their environment and the survival of backyard birds.

must have the equipment for the Backyard Birds: Birds are very sensitive to sound and the presence of people and therefore must be a place far away as possible in order to gledatiptica behave in native mode and the only way to observe them closely from a distance through binoculars. Most of us who take seriously the backyard birds will also keep a journal to record all kinds of birds you see the different behaviors, as well. It is fascinating to go through the pages of her magazine every year and watch some of the same birds return to almost the same time of year, you'll be waiting for them and the prediction of the bird species you see in your backyard.

to attract birds to your backyard: There are many ways you can attract birds to your yard, so you can observe different types of species and usually practice instaliranjafontana or birdbath where you can find relief from the scorching summer sun, or quench your thirst, you can provide a feeding cage, where you can place the seeds that will attract a wide range of birds throughout the year as they learn of its existence and can provide some nestling facilities, which the birds can adopt as their own home and back every winter for him. backyard birds can turn into an adventure every day if you dedicate time to this hobby. You'll find almost identify the different species of birds each year without looking at your description. You will also learn their behavior and habits.

tips When preparing for backyard bird watching, make sure you have plenty of water and some high energy snacks, especially when you plan to spend a few hours of entertainment under the auspices of your hobby. Hats in summer and winter baseball hat will protect you from sun and cold, respectively. Birds are fascinating creatures to observe and eventually you'll be planning for a bird watching vacation, especially if your family enjoys the same hobby of backyard bird watching and more.

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Soft Cat Food

Posted by naharazizi

cat food affect your pet's life, not just during those few moments when the dishes, but for every hour of every day. Cat-food choices rich in fish, chicken, fresh flavors, hard crunch, chewy centers and, of course, wet mushy delectable bites. Cat-food formulated to address specific nutritional needs of cats. Cat food is specially formulated to meet specific dietary needs of cats, a specific nutritional requirement that cats need taurine, an amino acid.


adult cats (1 year) can be fed once or twice a day. adult canned cat-food made ​​with real meat or poultry, a specially formulated without corn, wheat or animal by-products and contains no artificial colors and flavors. Older kittens and adult cats should be fed milk.


if you are selecting a wet or dry cat-food, the first place to start is the list of ingredients. When choosing your cat's food, ingredients and nutritional levels are more important than whether you choose between wet or dry cat-food. If you see something familiar to eat, at the very top of the list of ingredients, and then pass up the food.


food for your kitten: Growing kittens need more nutrition for their development of mature cats or higher. Kittens have other special dietary needs, so be sure to get a kitten formula for kittens. Kittens will need extra food for 2-1/2 weeks after birth, and certainly for 4 weeks, because mama milk will be adequate nutritious food source. Kittens should only be given kitten replacement milk (like KMR), never cow's milk. Kittens and aging cats need more food than adult cats.


Cats are obligatory carnivores and experts say that meat should be their primary source of protein for proper health. Commonly used meat and carbohydrate ingredients contain more phosphorus than kalcija.Pogled on food labels shows that many - but not all - types of these foods are loaded with undesirable ingredients such as meat by-products, cereals and glutens. Just as food for humans, there are regulations on labeling of cat food that can help consumers assess the amount of meat in the food. I just bought chicken thighs and breasts (some cats May as more dark meat than white or vice versa), and cut them into small pieces (size of the eraser head or slightly larger) to see if my cat will eat raw meat.


organic food-Cat is still with all the artificial stuff and just combines the best organic meat, vegetables, cereals and much more. Organic cat food is processed and prepared in such a way that these essential vitamins and minerals preserved in the more significantly is the case with a handle and a more traditional cat food products. Many cat owners are turning away from commercial pet food and feeding of domestic cats organic food for pets. If you are looking for the best organic cat food on the market today, then you need to buy healthy cat jelo.Stvari that make organic foods-Cat has all the vitamins and nutrients your cat needs to grow healthy, strong and live a long happy life. I do not spend extra money for organic, but if you're so inclined, you can buy organic meat.


three main types of cat food, dry with a soft, moist and canned products. Soft-moist cat foods generally offer higher taste compared to dry diets, are convenient to serve and store easily.

Three Varieties of Bird Feeder Plans

Posted by naharazizi

There are many different types of bird feeder plans available. Some of the most famous are the flushing pipe, a fat bird feeders.Vrsta you choose to build can determine the type of bird you want to attract.

Hopper feeders are the most popular choice. Hopper bird feeder plans require you to build a small house like structure that includes a large platform on the bottom, which meant that the seed from pouring over the floor. At the top of the house usually can be lifted to reload paper.

To draw in a small wild birds, you can build a feeder pipe. Pipe feeders are usually constructed of cheap plastic, but you can easily build a hearty wood right next plans bird feeder. Wooden tube feeders are usually tall and rectangular in shape with 1 inch holes drilled all over them. Small cakes are fitted under each hole in order to run wild birds will be able to keep and feed.

The fat bird feeders are great for feeding wild birds in winter. The fat bird feeders can be constructed in various ways so that some species of birds investor plans to be able to slijediti.Temeljna principal is that a small cage suspended on a rope. Animal fat is placed inside the cages and bird cage can hold and pick the animal fats through the wiring. This design is commonly used to attract more birds.

You want to build only one type or fill your garden with a variety of wild birds through the construction of all three species. Whatever you choose, you will be able to enjoy the fruits of his efforts as a beautiful bird visit time and time again.

Toilet Training a Dog

Posted by naharazizi

art of toilet training a dog

One of the first things you'll want to teach your new puppy where to go to the toilet. For most people this will be outside than inside the house.

There are two main methods of toilet training a dog - "direct method" and "paper" method. Both methods can be used to toilet train an older dog (even when talking about the puppy may mean older dog). Very small breed dogs (toy breeds) tend to have smaller bladders and should be run and poop more often. Therefore, it is usually easier to train is the first paper, but also for other breeds direct method can be used.

Puppies do not like to run and poop in the bed, so it helps to train your puppy to sleep or in a crate or confined area like a baby play-olovka.Sanduk or bed space should be filled with puppies bedding, because it will boost your puppy will not go to the toilet in this area and help train them to hold it in for longer.

puppy will need little or poop every 4-6 hours so it is important that someone is available to your puppy in the garden or on paper at regular intervals. For the first few weeks you may have forgotten all about it on Sunday morning a couple of extra hours in bed -. See the puppy and then come back for an additional delay

'Direct' toilet training method.

first thing in the morning take your puppy out into the garden and wait with him until he has little or poop, and then praise him. Some trainers recommend words like "good run" or "good poop" and second only to suggest, 'Well done'. It is best to use the concept of special praise, not only "good boy" as you really do not want your puppy to think 'nice guy' means you want him to run or poop

Does this also after eating or drinking after you've played with him. If your puppy does not run or poop after a few minutes and then plug it back in and try again after about 30 minutes, but watch out to make sure it does not start to go inside the house. In the end, take him out last thing before bed at night.

As you do this dog toilet training, you will have odd accident inside and it is important to not yell at your puppy when it happens. Instead, take your puppy to the accident and say bad little or bad poop and growl. Then take the puppy out to the garden, even if he does not go back you have to praise the 'good little "or" good poop ". With all the training it is important to end with praise.

This may help you to always use the same part of the garden for your puppy to wee and poop, because it can strengthen the connection between this place and the need to run and poop.

It is also very important to clean the area where the puppy messes in the house and to get rid of all smell as otherwise your puppy will try and use the same place again.

training toilet paper method

This paper is a method of toilet training a dog is very similar to 'Direct' method, unless you train your puppy for a moment, and poop on the paper, not the garden.

for very small dogs can use a cat litter tray to hold paper, but for larger breeds will only cover the enclosed area on the floor with paper. For that you can use a newspaper or a special toilet training pads available in local pet stores (newspaper costs less ).

first thing in the morning, last thing at night, after eating, drinking or playing session you take your puppy to paper space and wait on a small or poop, and then praise him. At first you will need a fairly large area covered with paper, but then you can gradually reduce the area until the puppy is always used the same site.

When your puppy has relied on only a small and poop on the paper then you can start to train him to go out. It is important not to use two methods of toilet training at the same time, because it will only confuse your puppy and he will not be sure where you want to go.

Could you just use the paper method of toilet training?

If you have a very small dog, then you May be happy to use the training methods of toilet paper all the time that your dog will only create small amounts of low and stern.

If all the work during the day you have to stick with the paper method as very few dogs will be able to keep for maybe 10 hours or more.

Just keep in mind that most dogs will do a fairly large pond on the wee and poop will be waiting for you to clean up.

Selection of toilet training your dog to you to decide on. If you buy your new puppy as the time gets hot and you have a secure garden then the direct method and may suit you best. Most puppies can be toilet trained within a few weeks and then will either use a garden all the time, or small and work your poop when walking -. Just be a responsible owner and clean up the

in a very wet and cold weather, then the method of paper training may have more appeal, but you're going to have to get used to pulling on wet weather or cold weather clothing for exercising your puppy, so why not just go the direct way of toilet training your dog anyway?

Cat Memorials

Posted by naharazizi on Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our feline friends have proven that they can help a person with any disease by providing a comforting presence. It is no surprise that when a pet passes the card, the owner may be left with an empty feeling. More commonly than not, they get even. Cat of the memorial is a way to preserve your memory of a pet that is with you for many years.

Whether you plan to simply pet funeral for his longtime four-legged friend, you still should consider creating and providing pet memorial tribute to serve as a keepsake. These cute little cards meant to be a picture of your pet on the front with the date of death below.

This will usually have a title like, never forgotten, or best friend. It really can be anything you want that best suits your cat's personality over the years. They are fun to make and keep. Cards are also small in size, so you can keep in your purse or even novčanik.Velika thing about them is that it serves as a memory and a tribute at the same time.

Over the years, you can look back and gently recall your feline with this memory card. They come in an assortment of colors and can print them yourself. Yes, that's right! There are templates for pet memorial cards that you can customize and print on demand whenever you want.

Dog Getting Older? Get an Orthopedic Dog Bed

Posted by naharazizi

designer dog beds: Well everyone has heard all the designer dog products, such as diamond studded dog collars to modern equipment and clothing. However, designer dog beds are quite a bit more beautiful and really useful for your dog if your dog into consideration. Designer dog beds means that they are made ​​of quality materials and are available in a wide range of colors and styles to accommodate your home d? R. Watch out for dog beds that say they are "designer" and are made from what seems to be fine material, but are not suitable for wear and tear a dog bed. Each high quaity good dog bed, even a designer, should be washed, comfortable and durable.

Designer dog beds: Well we have all heard of designer dog products - from diamond studded dog collars to fashionable clothes. However, designer dog beds are quite a bit more practical and actually useful for your dog. Designer dog beds usually means they are made from high quality materials and are available in different colors and styles to accommodate your home d? R. Watch out for dog beds that advertise "designer" and are made from what appears to be high quality materials, but are not suitable for wear and tear a dog bed. Every good dog bed, even a designer, it should be washable, comfortable and durable.

Orthopedic Dog Beds: Orthopedic dog beds are a great way to added support and comfort for your dog. Aging dogs often have joint problems, have trouble getting up or laying, and I can not sleep without the proper support. Usually, orthopedic dog bed is overstuffed with a mixture of high density memory materials and fibers to ensure that extra support. You must keep your dog comfortable, orthopedic dog bed can do more. Find orthopedic dog beds that are recommended by veterinarians.

Dog Couches: Dog couches are a great way to relax your dog when you are in bed and give them your lounging space - keep them from yours. Dog couches are typically made ​​in the style of support by allowing them to curl up or stretch out. These extra-large, easy entry of "cat furniture" styles are a great alternative to pad or cot in the living room or anywhere else you can relax with your dog. Dog couches can be just as comfortable and supported in a bed. Make sure you find one that is monitored, and of durable materials.

New high-quality materials: dog beds now come in an amazing variety of high quality materials for every need. How to make your pet's sleeping area clean, dog beds should be monitored. However, low-maintenance, washable, durable beds are just the beginning. Some manufacturers have developed dog beds that are antibacterial, anti-odor, and even waterproof. These attributes can help make your dog to bed last a lifetime and keep your home comfortable as well. Stain resistant, chew resistant and anti-microbial are even more options for a dog bed material. Your dog needs is important, you need to find a dog bed that will accommodate the best friend

Healthy Food For Pets

Posted by naharazizi on Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Natural, organic and macrobiotic diets are becoming more and more popular for us and the more we learn about a healthier type of food, the more we want our pets to be part of our healthy lifestyle. $ 18 million will be spent on pet food in 2010 in the United States, according to the American Pet Products Association. And alternative diets such as vegetarian, raw or natural are becoming more and more popular for pets as well.

home-cooked options for pets are gaining more and more popularity, as well as preparing nutritious food for your pet is not considered to be as time consuming as it once was. For pets who have health problems, such as diet easier to follow.

Pets that are the raw diet have cleaner teeth and hair, and better digestion. It is more expensive choice, but if you buy raw meat in bulk, it can become more cost effective.

However, veterinarians warn against feeding raw meat to pets, such as the health risks involved and not enough evidence to support the benefits of such a diet. At the same time, more diseases have been registered with the animals than in the past. Young animals that feed on processed food in the beginning seems to be healthy. But when you reach adulthood, they begin to age faster and develop chronic degenerative diseases, just like people.

Wild animals, on the other hand, is an enzyme rich raw foods and as a result of those without such disease. They live longer and healthier lives, except, of course, faced by natural predators.

domestic animals and pets develop similar diseases as human owners. Commercial pet food has changed the nutrients that are depleted by treatment, coloring and preservatives. Pets that are regularly fed such a diet wastes accumulate toxins in the blood, lymphs and tissue, and their immune system is weakened.

Dogs and cats have a digestive tract, which is half the size of one human and the food is processed and assimilated into a completely different way. While people who eat large amounts of red meat may develop cancer, lack of raw meat in our pets' diets can cause serious health problems for them. Animals need enzymes, amino acids and nutrients in raw meat in order to stay healthy. Animals also need crude fat in your diet to healthy skin and coat. Their systems require 30% crude fat and can not work properly cooked in fat.

However, pet owners are wary of the idea of ​​feeding raw meat to their dogs or cats who want to avoid parasites and bacteria. Dogs and cats' digestive systems are more acidic, so they can not get poisoned by salmonella, the way people can.

raw diet and one option that is growing in popularity with pet owners. If you do not have enough time to buy raw meat for your pet, or for the preparation of special dishes, you can still benefit from a greater number of natural food for pets.

Bird Watching Tips for Beginners

Posted by naharazizi

This article provides some tips for beginners in bird watching. Your garden or local park can be a good place to start. If watching birds in your garden, bird tables, bird baths and bird feed all of them can draw in. Remember though that cats are a threat to birds, and will deter them from your garden. I would recommend that a good guide to bird identification (often called a field guide), and if you are looking at birds from a distance, a decent pair of small, lightweight and waterproof binoculars.

Binoculars can be expensive, but I use a cheaper pair I have from other hands. Always wear a pair of binoculars, with a short strap so that it hung low down on your stomach. Maybe they need at a moments notice, and do not have time to get them to the event, or even look away. When looking at the birds in the surrounding area, many observers of birds and take a telescope, but I suggest this is outside the jurisdiction of a beginner. If you take a telescope, and ideally will also have a strong tripod.

Do not wear bright clothes, or clothes that make loud noises when you move. Turn your phone on silent, keep your voice down, and try not to stop or move around too much. Do you want to blend in the background as possible. Imagine that you are hunting. Some bird-watching areas are you hiding koristiti.Više are invisible, the better birding experience you'll need, as well as the unsettling of birds causing them to leave. You will be quite another for a long time, so wear something warm. If your going out in the woods, wear boots and maybe leech socks to insects away. Maybe something dry to sit, and the flask of hot drink. Wearing dark colored hat is not only good for keeping warm, can help camouflage.

When the birds of interest comes along, do not worry about trying to recognize immediately the bird identification guide. By the time you are looking for a second look at a bird, it could have flown away. Remember, bird watching is about observing birds. Keep your eyes on the birds. Notice your feathers, patterns, behavior, and just enjoy the beauty of animals. Listen to your songs, and try to do what works. After he flew off, then refer to a bird identification guide and take any notes or sketches. Always note the date, time and weather conditions, because it can also help you identify birds.

When you listen to bird song to look closely at crucial to ensure that does not come from other birds. CDs and DVDs are available that can help you learn which song belongs to which type of bird. Notice how it flies, eating, walking or jumping. Consider habitat and time of year.

As you get more experience, you will get accustomed to all this, and it will start to notice the finer details. Exactly what type of bird Bill ima.Perja about očiju.Duljina tail. Estimate the size, compared to other breeds. How to behave in relation to other birds nearby.

You May consider membership in the local bird group, or subscription to bird watching. There is a lot of information available on-line. But as a beginner, the only thing to really focus on enjoying the experience, the fascination of watching the birds in the wild, and just get a general idea of what to look out for. As you get more experience, everything else will come naturally, and hopefully the joy of birds will never decrease.

Help - My Cat Keeps Throwing Up

Posted by naharazizi

Most of the cats, even healthy ones, vomit from time to time. Although it can be very distressing if your cat keeps throwing up, it is quite normal and does not mean that something is seriously wrong with your cat. There are several factors that are not serious can cause your cat to throw up.

May you notice your cat back immediately after a meal to eat, in fact, will often appear completely digested. Cats will often bolt food, or eat more than their stomachs can handle at the same time, so the stomach will reject it. It may be more common in multi-cat households where cats are feeling the competition for their food. Cats' digestive systems are very sensitive, a sudden change in your cat food can also cause vomiting tricky.

hairballs are one of the most common causes of feline vomiting. They are caused when your cat's fur swallowed while grooming. Longhaired cats are more likely to suffer from hairballs, although all cats can suffer from time to time. You should be able to spot clumps of hair in the vomit. Hairballs can be reduced by regular grooming or adding omega-3 fatty acids or fish oils on your cat food to allow a cat hair cat to pass through the digestive tract.

Sometimes your cat May throw if it eats something inappropriate, such as garbage or a poisonous plant. If you suspect he ate something that can be toxic, such as slug pellets, cleaning fluids, plants, etc. take it to the vet immediately. Foxy vomiting also may mean that your cat has ingested something that may cause obstruction, such as bones and a piece of string. In this case, vomiting may be accompanied by a foam or foam around the mouth. Again, to take the vet if you suspect it.

cats will often eat grass and other plants, it is thought that it gives them roughage in their diet. However, it can also cause them to vomit. In the case of vomiting would be superficial in appearance, with vegetable matter clearly present.

remained without serious cause of feline vomiting, stress and nervousness. Older cats can shed more frequently as their bodies begin to wear down their immune system decreases.

feline vomiting also may indicate a serious problem. This may mean parasites such as worms, you May be able to view this, like grains of rice or even, in the vomit or feces. If you think that your cat has parasites, consult your veterinarian. Regular deworming can help to prevent it.

It can also indicate infection such as salmonella, feline leukemia, or bacterial or viral infection. In such cases, vomiting may be accompanied by diarrhea. Your vet should be able to give advice about treatment.

Some diseases can also cause vomiting tricky, such as liver disease, kidney disease, feline panleukopenia, diabetes and bowel disease.

If you notice symptoms such as blood in your cat is vomiting or other symptoms such as diarrhea, weakness, obvious pain or difficulty breathing, or your cat keeps throwing for more than a few days, consult your veterinarian as soon as much as possible.

A Dog And Its Gallbladder

Posted by naharazizi

How often have you thought about your dog's gall bladder? If you're like me, you probably did not think the dog had a gall bladder, and certainly do not think that a dog can have a gallbladder problem.

However, dogs have gallbladders, and although problems with it are not something common, dogs have no problems, just like people.

I thought it might be interesting for dog lovers everywhere, to get a little history lesson on the parts of the dog's intestines, which are much like our own. I think most of us think about the dog, as if with a mouth that everything goes in, my stomach looks like that of iron and a rear end that most things eventually come out.

is not so! Dog intestines complex set of things which are not many jobs, just like ours do not. Digestive disorders in dogs are probably the most common of all dog health problems. More than likely due to the fact that they managed to put in your mouth. Gall bladder problems are not common, but they are worth looking into. One never knows when such a problem will occur.

In fact, most dog digestive problems are caused directly or indirectly to the liver, pancreas and organs of the digestive tract, which play an important role in the processing of food your dog eats. There are times, however, when serious health problems are at the center of the dog gallbladder.

What is the gallbladder? dog gallbladder is a small, tough skin streets like structure in the abdominal cavity, which plays an important role in the digestion of dog food. It is attached to the liver and gušterača.Žučna bladder is small, the large German shepherd dog like this could be the golf ball size, the smaller dog would be less. It is not round, but pear shaped and elongated and has an option to extend, if necessary.

What gall bladder do? It's kind of like a garage, it is a storage area for bile acids, alkaline fluid that contains water, electrolytes, various acids and yellow pigment called bilirubin. This fluid is secreted by the liver and released into the small intestine to help with digestion and absorption masti.Pas produces bile during the day and a healthy gallbladder releases bile as needed.

of the liver itself is divided into several sections called lobes, and the bile produced in each of these lobes in the bile duct to themselves, which in turn empties into the duodenum žučovoda.Žučovoda leads to the first part of the small intestine. When bile duct bile has too much it drains the gallbladder, which stores it until it's needed to help with fat digestion.

What are gallbladder problems? Although gall bladder problems are not very frequent, they do happen. There are obstructive and non-obstructive situacijama.Najčešći obstructive problem is caused by a swollen pancreas, which can be caused by a pancreatic tumor or scar tkiva.Žučovoda becomes compressed and bile can not get out, causing a distended gallbladder and bile can back into the dog's blood stream.

The second problem is obstructive gallstones. Yes, dogs can get gallstones, just as humans can. These stones are not as hard as human gallstones, but they are made ​​of clay like sludge and can block the bile duct and in turn cause the gallbladder to expand if left untreated gallbladder will burst.

There is a third type of obstructive problem which is caused by a build up of thick mucus and bile is called biliary mucocele. This can lead to non-obstructive disease of the gallbladder if left untreated, as abnormal bile provides a great breeding ground for bacterial infections,. Inflammation and swelling, which in turn can cause the gallbladder to burst

What are the symptoms of gallbladder problems? Unfortunately, most symptoms are common to many other problems such as vomiting, poor appetite, lethargy, pale stools, weakness and poor coat uvjet.Rječit sign, however, jaundice, a condition where the eyes and gums yellowish color to them as "yellow jaundice" and the people.

What are the treatment options? Antibiotics are used to treat non-obstructive problems and there are other medications that can be used to stimulate the secretion of bile and move into the digestive tract.

The operation will be required if the biliary mucocele is present or if there is a mass that does not respond to treatment. Gallstones can be surgically removed, if necessary, and the gallbladder can be removed without injury to life psa.Pas can live without a gall bladder, as well as humanly possible.

This is a journey into the interior of your dog and I hope that gave insight into how our dogs are like us. Different body shape, but all work the same magic to create the universe.

Free Puppy Games Online - PCA Puppy Academy

Posted by naharazizi on Monday, October 17, 2011

A growing number of online thrill-seekers are turning to dog free online games for your entertainment needs. Dog and puppy games available to play online for free, offer a whole new world of excitement for the younger crowd, and some more complex titles for the not so young, hardcore players. Free online dog games developed in Flash code, which is quick and easy to load on your computer. So, the game is likely to spend more time playing and having fun rather than waiting for applications to load. Free dog and puppy games come in several formats, or themes. Among the most popular plots are vet clinics, pet shops, nursing and fashion salons. In the later years of virtual house inclusion as a habitat for a pet dog began to appear, and slowly gaining interest over time. One such title that follows this pattern is 'PCA Puppy academy', a Zoey 101 from Nickelodeon.

in the free dog game genre, category differs from the virtual world where pets coexist. This virtual space is usually a house or room, where players will interact with the puppy or dog. In order to interact with the pet, the player will have a special menu is available with some items and voice commands. In the case of Puppy Academy, the menu is limited to the number of toys. This is due to the fact that the goal of the game is easy to remember which toy is one option for each individual dog. When a puppy becomes impatient, the player must choose the correct toy from those available and give him a dog.

begins with a nice colorful display, with Zoey 101 from Nickelodeon, which is now offering the Start button to start playing immediately. As soon as you start, your task is simple, keep all of your puppies happy by providing a toy of their own accord when they become unhappy. To move around the house between rooms and levels, the user simply needs to click on the door, which becomes prominent when browsing through it, to open the door and go through njega.Isto goes for the stairs to go to the second floor and back down. If you notice any of your pups become cranky, the player should continue to grab one of the toys arranged on the bottom and give it. However, only one toy will do the trick, choosing the wrong toy will deduct ten points from your total score. In order to complete the level successfully, you must keep all of your puppies happy enough so that the meter is more than halfway full. When the timer expires, the game will determine if you are allowed to proceed to the next level, depending on how full your success meter.

This free dog game is a lot of fun, it is free and available online whenever želite.Jednostavnost user control and ease of use make it a program that anyone can play, regardless of age.

Virtual Life Games - Live Life How You Want!

Posted by naharazizi

Gone are the ways in which it wishes to have wings to fly, now, you can choose your own destiny, design and graphics. You really can be anyone you want to be, practically speaking.

common components in real life, the inevitability of error, and the irreplaceable nature of the lost time. Most of the errors, of course, can be corrected, but often, the nature or time does not permit -. That, or you can not fix that particular bug or have little or no time or opportunity to do so

is taken into account in real life, everything you want can be, all things that are not: tall, handsome, beautiful, successful by any standards, have the nationality / skin of your choice. That day could really come to pass sooner if you go out in the real world, alter ego takes over and became a citizen of a virtual one.

virtual life games developers should have capitalized on people's need for total control - to be whoever they want to be -. I gave them this power on a platter of gold in a virtual field

virtual life games allow their citizens, who are called players, being able to have control over their virtual lives. With the help of 3D text / characters called avatars, players are able to communicate with each other as they would in real life.

the beauty of virtual game that allows the imagination to explore. Actual events and elements combine with the pure fantasy and fairy tales to create the best of both worlds. This means that it is all a matter of following the true shape of the world time and order, but then fantasy and imagination is allowed to run wild and taken further.

In the simulated world, reality can be passed to an extent which is often very similar, but the real deal, because the citizens in virtual worlds are also real-world interactions between them depend solely on their intelligence levels. This means that everything gets.

Some virtual life game opens the door to whole new possibilities. It's like the ability to create a better extension of the current ones, you meet new / exciting people, go to exciting new places to explore and so a second chance to do everything you wished you could do or undo, you dajemogućnosti to live life exactly how you want it, without fail, again and again.

Memories To Last Forever - Pictures of Bichon Frise

Posted by naharazizi on Sunday, October 16, 2011

If you plan to take photos of Bichon Frise, you May want to get the concept of the possible positions by checking out the dog pictures are posted on the Internet. Most Bichon photos you'll find the on-line galleries are dog sitting down and staring back at you (or camera). In many of these photographs, meticulously groomed Bichon has a unique hair cuts and decorated with colorful barrettes and ribbons. Some favorite photos to play with his toys or with their fellow dogs. A well-liked that photo Bichon dog lying on his back with his pink belly exposed, waiting to give you a tummy rub. Professional photographers go for a lot more challenging action shots Bichons running and jumping in the backyard. Some lovers of dogs, and even go so far as to take photos of their dogs, starting from when they were still puppies to adulthood.

Now that you have the notion Bichon pose, the next step will be to really observe your dog. Keep in mind that every Bichon Frise has its own distinctive personality. In addition to taking any pictures from home, bring your camera and see how the Bichon will react to it. Some would just sit and stare at you and the camera in confusion, wondering what to do. Other people will not believe your camera as a toy and will even jump on you in an attempt to lick the lens. Some dogs may not appear to sit still for a shot and you want to chase them around.

Since we now know that the Bichon will probably be working through a photo shoot, make essential preparations. Get an assistant who will help to distract your dog while taking fotografija.Izvrsna method for keeping your dog is still wagging his favorite toy into the air. If your pet jumps or runs away with the flash, it could be much better to move the outdoor photo session, so you will not have to use the flash. In case you want to paint your Bichon in action, use a professional camera that can take several shots in a few seconds. Or are you able to just only take your dog on your camcorder and get screen captures of the footage.

Life Quest Game Review

Posted by naharazizi

You have just graduated from high school and about to embark on a life of Quest! What time you want, and what career you want to aim for? CEO or a fashion designer, perhaps? Choose the career of your dreams and make your mark on the city. Buy a home, the love of your life, start a family and become the envy of all your high school friends at the Reunion party!

Life Quest's life and career simulation game that takes you from the time you graduate from high school until they reach the pinnacle of your career. The theme is similar to the best-selling Sims series, as well as casual games, such as My Life Story. You can choose a career and start earning money so that you can pay bills, buy luxury items in their dreams and improve their skills and quality of life.

Life quest begins at the high school graduation ceremony. Your head tells the class that you can be what you want to be, and that his life and career will depend on the things you do and the choices you make. Feeling confident, and move to the big city to get things started, but all you need is a little cramped rental apartment, and the clothes on their backs. Fortunately for you, your big sister is about to show you the ropes and help you to make your decisions as you get ready to go on the greatest adventure of your life.

overall goal is to achieve the pinnacle of success in career, home and family. Your choice of the path you take to achieve this goal is almost limitless. You can choose a career in many sectors, including education, automotive, fashion and fitness to name a few. You will need to decide whether to buy or rent a house. You will also need to prioritize how you want to improve to become more efficient and get better jobs.

There are 5 basic statistics to worry about in life, Quest, but all the important stat novac.Prvi "time", which determines how much you can do in one day. This can be increased to improve your fitness, you may do so by going swimming, weight lifting, going to yoga and etc. The next stat is "happiness", as you will be unhappy to sleep in and therefore less things done the next day. Happiness can be improved by achieving goals in life, shopping and movies among others.

the following three statistics "charm", "intellect" and "practicality." These are crucial as they determine what type of job you apply for. High charm will allow you to become a dancer, salesman or other similar professions. High sense will apply for jobs in education. High convenience is crucial for technical jobs such as car repairs. Higher-paying jobs such as director or teacher will require a combination of these high statistics, and some will require training in specific skills or specialist for another job. For example, you must be an expert seamstress in order to progress to become a fashion buyer, and the Chairman of the Board will require a business degree in addition to the high charm and intellect.

, however, these statistics do not only create jobs for you, but have other benefits as well. Charm will allow you to impress your date, and reason will allow you to master new skills quickly. The convenience will allow you to make home improvements more effectively. You can improve these statistics at a local college or university (with an awesome name Wattamatta U! ).

things can seem complicated and daunting, but luckily there are short-term events for the purpose. These come in the form of a former school who have personal goals, and your goal is to achieve these goals before they do (talk about keeping with the Joneses!). So, you'll get a dog before Steve does not, and move into a suburban home before Veronica can not even find a partner and start a family before Amir does not!

There are many things to do in life Quest to achieve your goals. You can buy vehicles to get around town faster. You can buy pets, furniture and electronics to increase the happiness and relaxation. You can dine in a fancy restaurant, go to the movies, and even a visit to the spa. You can even go to a local newspaper put out an ad to sell your old goods, or finding the perfect partner! It is a vibrant city with lots to do, but it would take. You're still supposed to win the race against former school.

Life Quest is a very well designed game, and feels very complete and fleshed out.Cartoony graphics and music are incredibly charming as well. And since there are so many careers to choose from, the game has great replay value. So come down a great city, and embark on a life of Quest!

Rating: 4.5/5.0