Keep your backyard wild bird feeders full during spring migration. It helps birds find food, and you'll be able to see birds that you will not see at other times of the year.
Help the birds in their nutritional needs during the spring migration
In spring the birds travel long distances to their breeding grounds. They need to keep your energy levels, but at the very beginning of the season might not be enough natural food sources for them. Many people are aware of the need for feeding birds in winter, but I can understand that there is a need for food in the spring. Some people worry that birds may be dependent on backyard feeders, instead of searching for food themselves. This misconception has been proven, so you can feel free to feed the birds in the spring - summer, and even -. Supplement their nutritional needs
Fat is a source of energy
Fat is a great source of energy for birds, woodpeckers, and enjoy the many small birds. In fact, if you have woodpeckers nesting in your area may be lucky enough to watch baby birds learning to eat fat. Their antics are smiješan.Bebe - which are large and their Momma - learn to fly and land on the feeder, which takes several attempts. They then sit next to mom, and she pecks and feed them fat - the fat pecking for themselves between bites of her
songbirds Need seed
Pipes feed with seeds for birds should be located away from large wild bird feeders and feeders fat because of the small birds tend to be nervous and larger birds like to eat as a group. To see a flock of finches in olive, yellow, red or even purplish blue to eat at backyard feeder is a sight to behold. They are absolutely beautiful and sound so beautiful. It makes waking up in the early hours of a memorable event.
Ground Feeders Feed Too
Do not forget ground feeders. Juncos and sparrows clean up space on bird feeders, if encouraged to eat there with a few seeds thrown there for them. Chipmunks and squirrels eat sunflower seeds on the ground too, and will leave your feeder alone. Even if you use a squirrel guard, so that they can not reach your feeder, their vain attempts to scare the birds away.
morning bird songs and colorful birds in the wild bird feeder will be glad you invested in feeding birds throughout the year -. Or at least a little longer in the spring