With all the commands your dog has now mastered, you May want to teach him a few who will be his party in the neighborhood. It will be much easier to train for this command now that has mastered so many tricks.
1 Ples. This trick can actually be helpful when your dog has a hard time with "Off" command when it is jumping on people. Sometimes dogs respond well to replacement behavior, and teaches him how to dance is a great way to get all that energy to work.
Every time your pet gets excited and jumping around, the command "Dance", while you have it and keep his front legs, forcing him to stand on his hind legs. Sway him from right to left a little. Praise him, give him a treat, and gently put it back on the floor.
2 Pray. goal is to have your dog put his head down between his paws on command, "Pray," or "Say your prayers," and all your friends and family say, "Awwww, how cute !"
Begin by sitting on a chair with your dog to "Sit / Stay" position in front of you. Put a treat on a chair between his legs. Command your dog to "Pray", and then encourage him or place, and his feet on a chair, while he remains in the "Sit" position.
Use the "Leave it" or "Do not touch" command, so he does not eat to heal, and then his "Pray" command. Your dog needs to keep his nose down to treat between his paws. Issue the command, "Amen," and then give your dog treat praise him. For smaller dogs, or if your dog is bigger would not chair the way, you May want to use a low table. You can stand behind him keep his feet on the table
3 Sneeze. You can train your dog to sneeze on command. You'll do it with a hand signal, which is cupping your hands around your nose and mouth, and the captain, "sneezing !"
Sit in a chair and put your dog to "Sit / Stay" position. Cup your hands around his muzzle, say sneeze and blow gently into his nostrils. Having a smoke while he sniffles or sneezes, and then give him praise and treat. Some dogs quickly this trick, while others May take some time.
4 Turn on the light. surprise your family and friends with energy-conscious dog! To prepare for the trick, be sure that your dog can reach the light switch on the back legs. If not, you can train your dog to jump on the table under the light switch to perform this feat.
Hold treat at light switch, the command "turn out the light!" When your dog jumps up to get a treat, make sure your feet touch the top of the switch so that when it comes down to turn off the light. Reward with a treat and verbal praise.
When it comes down to stand away from the light switch and issue the command. Throwing treated near where the jumps and paws at the switch. Be sure to give him lots of verbal praise. At the end you will not have to give him a treat to perform the trick.
5 Bow. This is a good trick to teach your dog when you are working on the "Down" command. Put the dog in "Stay" position, and put a treat in your hand. Kneeling in front of your dog, move both hands to his front paws while giving "Bow" command. Your dog will extend his head down to get the treat put it in a "butterfly" position. Working on his bow as you can command the onions from across the room.
6 Counting: of your dog, with time and patience to learn to count. Since this is a complicated maneuver, there is a requirement - your dog needs to know "speak" trick and be ordered to stop issuing the words, "OK". All you need to do at this point is to join the command of "What is six, Laska?" When your dog has up to six, you command him to stop with the "OK ."
There is a catch, however - the time is included. If you do not combine, "What is the" command with a subtle signal, your dog will start barking before you say no. When you start training, make a noticeable signal, such as the deep head of the head, when the "Speak" command. Nod your head deep when you give the "OK", the release command, too.
You'll need to practice the trick for some time until your dog is trained to respond to the nominations themselves. After being down, slowly make your nodding subtly. When your dog performs a trick with only the subtlest of the nomination, you're ready for Broadway.
Marilyn Burnham
by 'dog owners Boot Camp'
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