in September, flying by, summer is the natural abundance will fall for all of our favorite birds, and we are preparing for fall feeding. With her flash of red, yellow and white woodpeckers always make a great impression of hanging on to all corners of the feeders.
woodpecker wide range of groups which can be found just about all over the world (sorry Australia and Hawaii). Here in North America can be found in forests, swamps, deserts, and best of all, in your backyard.
you can attract these guys are using seed feeders already have. Woodpecker clinging birds and really wanted to fall on the side of the net and wooden feeders, but they will also be hung on a pole if you regularly see something that looks good. They like black oil, shelled sunflower seeds, all nuts, even Unshelled peanuts. Try putting out the pumpkin seeds as well. Your woodpeckers will love it!
If there's one thing you guys love, it's fat! You can feed a variety of fat in the pre-made blocks or mixing it yourself and use the hollow feed or spread on the trees. If you are afraid of squirrels getting into it you can buy special fat with red peppers in it. Personally, I had very few customers tell me that squirrels will stay away from pure fat because there is a tasty nuts or fruit in njemu.Djetlići would still like to eat it and it is a great source of energy during the colder winter months. If you are feeding these guys in warmer countries, make sure you get the "no-melt" the fat that remains solid at temperatures above 75 degrees Fahrenheit. C & S products, the fat, nearly all "non-melt ".
suggest the fat in many of our customers right now, because of the high cost of seed. It is relatively inexpensive and feeds the birds for quite some time. As an example, I eat my usual 5 woodpeckers plus Chickadees, nuthatches, and any other guests from 2 fat ball feeders. I can fill one for $ 6.50 each, and they easily last 4-6 weeks. It is quite economical considering that I have a bird or two on it all day every day!
After a lot of mature trees in the neighborhood is a big plus for getting these guys on the feeders. Woodpeckers will use trees and drill holes for nesting, as well as searching for insect grub during the spring and summer. You can get a nesting box specially designed for woodpeckers as well, but May they also appeal to other types of birds such as screech owls. You may need to keep watch for unwanted residents.
If you lack a little animated flyers in your yard, or simply want to increase the frequency of their visits, then the above advice, and some quality bird supplies should get results within a short time.