Habits of the Cuckoo Bird

Posted by naharazizi on Monday, October 24, 2011

Worldwide, more than a hundred species of birds there are a coward. Some experts estimate the number at more than 125

Cuckoo birds love the tropics, but they can grow in temperate zones, as well. In the U.S., and birds can be found mostly in southern states such as Florida.

We are generally familiar with this bird because of the many clocks created by trying to imitate his sound. If you are wondering if the cuckoo sounds you hear the cuckoo clocks are real, they correspond very closely to the sounds made ​​by the European cuckoo -. Also known as Cuculus canorus

camp near the nest few cuckoo bird can lead to sleepless nights because they tend to sing at night and during the day. The natives who live among cowards for a long time, sometimes called the rain crow. Because they have the uncanny habit more and more vocal than usual just before the downpour.

within their area of ​​comfort, cuckoo birds are mostly nomadic. They base their mating structures in which their food happens to be. In other words, they have no particular loyalty to a particular area as well as some birds do. They migrate with their food sources. As their source of food in one area disappears, they leave that place and go in search of greener pastures. Regarding the mating habits, cuckoo birds are largely monogamous. During the courtship phase they prefer to feed on each other. This helps the bonding process.

Cuckoo bird also has the will to deposit one or more eggs in the nests of other birds, leaving the other birds to raise their young. This behavior is known as a brood parasitism in which they allow their litters, and offspring, it is essential that the parasites and live off someone else obitelji.Drugih bird species do not necessarily belong to the cuckoo species. Cuckoo has been known to lay their eggs in the nests of Robins, cardinals, sparrows, and others as well.

cowards tend to build their nests closer to earth than many other species. Their perfect height Cuckoo's Nest is somewhere between the two feet to eight feet above the ground. Their diet is mostly insects, but they especially like to dine on caterpillars. some kind of a coward especially love spiny species, while other types do not like at all. But all kinds of love grasshoppers and crickets, as well. If insects are not around will gravitate to fruits like grapes and berries.