Do Cats Grieve For Their Feline Friends?

Posted by naharazizi on Friday, October 14, 2011

It is not unusual for us to have more than one pet in our lives. We have more money and free time to spend on our pets than we did years ago, and so more and more of us are choosing to live with two or more animal companions. This is great for us because it means we have more furry friends in our lives to keep us healthy. However, it also means that animals are more likely to form connections and relationships with other animals, while in the past, this was not the case.

Cats are not pack animals like dogs and I are quite happy that the only animal around. In fact most of the time they give other animals a wide birth. But now that more and more cats are homed together, their relationships with each other are changing. It is now not uncommon for a cat in a very close relationship with the other cats in the family. They are now often be seen grooming each other and sleeping together on the same pillow. We should not be surprised to complain about the loss of another cat, just like we do with our human family and friends.

, but knowing whether the cat is grieving the loss of another pet is not as easily identifiable as in humans. Once all the cats can not express how it feels to us in words and shed tears in the same way as we do. But cats do not show other signs of sadness that are very similar to our own. Loss of appetite, sleeping more, sleeping less and increased vocalization any signs that may indicate cat is distressed.

Other signs of grief are, pace and looking around the house for days, as if trying to find their companion. Looking out the window and mewing razloga.Nedostatak no interest in their favorite toys or food and general moody behavior that is out of character. Of course, many of these characters can also be contributed to illness and so if the behavior can still be advisable to consult your veterinarian.

to try to help the cat through a period of mourning, we pay more attention to them and to more noise from them than you would normally do. But we must not give them treats, but we should try to deter them from the game. It's all too easy to give a cat treat them the console when mewing or not eating their usual food, but the cat, we are rewarding the behavior, and they will continue to do so.

is also important not to rush out and try to replace with a new pet. Often people think that this will help their existing cat to get over the loss. However, this is often a mistake. Cats should be given time to come to terms with the fact that their companion does not return. It also allows them time to establish its position in the household again. Many owners have reported that the once shy and quiet cat, he changed completely after the second cat died. It can be easily explained, cat May are humiliated by the other cat and was suppressing his own personality. Once left alone for a while, they were like "come out of their shell." So it is good to give them time after death to find your feet again.

After sufficient time has passed, a cat behavior is back to normal, then it should be fine to introduce another cat into the house. This is, of course, relies heavily on a cat's personality and the likelihood of accepting another pet, but then only certain owners can make judgments.