A Dog And Its Gallbladder

Posted by naharazizi on Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How often have you thought about your dog's gall bladder? If you're like me, you probably did not think the dog had a gall bladder, and certainly do not think that a dog can have a gallbladder problem.

However, dogs have gallbladders, and although problems with it are not something common, dogs have no problems, just like people.

I thought it might be interesting for dog lovers everywhere, to get a little history lesson on the parts of the dog's intestines, which are much like our own. I think most of us think about the dog, as if with a mouth that everything goes in, my stomach looks like that of iron and a rear end that most things eventually come out.

is not so! Dog intestines complex set of things which are not many jobs, just like ours do not. Digestive disorders in dogs are probably the most common of all dog health problems. More than likely due to the fact that they managed to put in your mouth. Gall bladder problems are not common, but they are worth looking into. One never knows when such a problem will occur.

In fact, most dog digestive problems are caused directly or indirectly to the liver, pancreas and organs of the digestive tract, which play an important role in the processing of food your dog eats. There are times, however, when serious health problems are at the center of the dog gallbladder.

What is the gallbladder? dog gallbladder is a small, tough skin streets like structure in the abdominal cavity, which plays an important role in the digestion of dog food. It is attached to the liver and gušterača.Žučna bladder is small, the large German shepherd dog like this could be the golf ball size, the smaller dog would be less. It is not round, but pear shaped and elongated and has an option to extend, if necessary.

What gall bladder do? It's kind of like a garage, it is a storage area for bile acids, alkaline fluid that contains water, electrolytes, various acids and yellow pigment called bilirubin. This fluid is secreted by the liver and released into the small intestine to help with digestion and absorption masti.Pas produces bile during the day and a healthy gallbladder releases bile as needed.

of the liver itself is divided into several sections called lobes, and the bile produced in each of these lobes in the bile duct to themselves, which in turn empties into the duodenum žučovoda.Žučovoda leads to the first part of the small intestine. When bile duct bile has too much it drains the gallbladder, which stores it until it's needed to help with fat digestion.

What are gallbladder problems? Although gall bladder problems are not very frequent, they do happen. There are obstructive and non-obstructive situacijama.Najčešći obstructive problem is caused by a swollen pancreas, which can be caused by a pancreatic tumor or scar tkiva.Žučovoda becomes compressed and bile can not get out, causing a distended gallbladder and bile can back into the dog's blood stream.

The second problem is obstructive gallstones. Yes, dogs can get gallstones, just as humans can. These stones are not as hard as human gallstones, but they are made ​​of clay like sludge and can block the bile duct and in turn cause the gallbladder to expand if left untreated gallbladder will burst.

There is a third type of obstructive problem which is caused by a build up of thick mucus and bile is called biliary mucocele. This can lead to non-obstructive disease of the gallbladder if left untreated, as abnormal bile provides a great breeding ground for bacterial infections,. Inflammation and swelling, which in turn can cause the gallbladder to burst

What are the symptoms of gallbladder problems? Unfortunately, most symptoms are common to many other problems such as vomiting, poor appetite, lethargy, pale stools, weakness and poor coat uvjet.Rječit sign, however, jaundice, a condition where the eyes and gums yellowish color to them as "yellow jaundice" and the people.

What are the treatment options? Antibiotics are used to treat non-obstructive problems and there are other medications that can be used to stimulate the secretion of bile and move into the digestive tract.

The operation will be required if the biliary mucocele is present or if there is a mass that does not respond to treatment. Gallstones can be surgically removed, if necessary, and the gallbladder can be removed without injury to life psa.Pas can live without a gall bladder, as well as humanly possible.

This is a journey into the interior of your dog and I hope that gave insight into how our dogs are like us. Different body shape, but all work the same magic to create the universe.